How a Bad Week Can Also Be Weirdly Magical

slacker magic Sep 10, 2024
boat out on the ocean

I have to tell you, this past week sucked. It was one of the worst weeks I’ve ever had as a business owner. I'm telling you this because owning a coaching business isn’t all rainbows and fairy dust. It can bring up all your stuff for healing, it can feel like a slog, it can feel scary, it can make you feel stressed, and it can be the most challenging thing you’ve ever done.

Yet, at the same time, it’s one of the most rewarding and exciting things you’ll ever do, too!

Kinda reminds me of parenting, lol.

Actually, my business DOES feel like my baby. She’s incredibly special to me. I love her!

The great thing is, even when weeks like this hit, the ship doesn’t go down and I don’t drown. The seas may have been rough, but my Slacker Magic System for business growth and management is built of the sturdiest stuff.

I’ve navigated many a rough water with confidence because of the Slacker Magic System.

Does that mean I was happily manning the ship through the storm?


It means I was taking great care of myself, feeling my emotions as they arose, allowing myself to cocoon in blankets when needed, trusting my inner wisdom, and regulating my nervous system every time it flew into fight or flight.

One morning, I was so flustered that I brushed my teeth with my eye cream. This was a clear indicator that my nervous system was a little jangled, lol, so I took several minute to be present with my mind-body system before moving into my day.

I don’t believe that during tough times we should double down and pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and all those other sayings that are meant to help us suppress how we really feel.

I was UPSET. I was hurt. I was angry. I was scared. I cried. Several times.

The Slacker Magic System is something I created to help me run a business right when I was in the worst of times in my personal life. It was created to help me navigate big emotions and fear and moments of true despair.

It’s meant to carry me through these kinds of scary, hard weeks so that I CAN keep the ship running and still have a business.

It’s meant to be the backbone that gives me grit. Not the kind of grit where I run myself into the ground, but the kind of grit where I back off when needed, rest, tend to my spirit, and then return gently into the rough seas with inner wisdom guidance at my back.

This is the kind of grit you need if you’re going to scale your business and follow your passion.

There will always be tough times. It’s just a fact of life.

If we can flow through the rough seas with inner wisdom guidance, emotional presence, and authentic honesty with ourselves, those rough times will actually birth beautiful transitions in our businesses.

A lot of beautiful things were born this week in my business.

In the darkest of times, light shines through and new life emerges. This is something I know for sure, even when I can’t remember it with my human, terrified mind for a few hours (or even days).

The Slacker Magic System carried me through the week, bringing light, humor, love, connection, and spiritual guidance even when there weren’t any rainbows or fairy dust.

I also know that when I’ve been making big new asks of the universe, big new shake-ups often happen. They are necessary. Old patterns come up to be healed. Big moves are required. Trust is essential.

If you’re heart-centered, have a sensitive body or deal with chronic illness/stress-induced illnesses that crop up, love coaching or want to learn how to coach, and adore spiritual and personal development work, then you need the Slacker Magic System. It was made for you, my friend!

It will be your backbone, too, so that you can have a thriving business without running yourself into the ground.

When you join my group program, you’ll get my Slacker Magic System AND my entire mind-body coaching toolbox, a deep-dive into releasing self-pressure and connecting to inner wisdom, and even volunteer clients to work with who you’re welcome to keep on as paying clients.

You can learn more about this program and others here.