Ever Take a Big Business Program with NO Niche Support?
Mar 03, 2025
I was talking to a coach last week and she was SO frustrated because she’d been trying to niche down and nail her ideal client avatar for three years.
Of course she’d spent money on several programs to try to make this happen, and she still wasn’t feeling clear.
This is probably one of the worst issues we face as coaches in the coaching industry (same for therapists and healers).
Here’s why it sucks:
Most programs are set up to help you with business and marketing strategies that start AFTER you really know what your niche and ideal client avatar is. They will often gloss over the niche and client avatar part - usually in self-study modules - and then expect you to get it right.
Except, you leave that section of the program feeling totally unclear, uncertain, and not sure if you’ve got something solid to use going forward.
What happens then?
You’re building out those strategies on an unclear foundation. You can feel it in your bones, and it’s nerve-wracking.
EVERYTHING in marketing starts with a clear message.
If you aren’t rock-solid around your niche and ideal client avatar, then how are you supposed to build clear funnels, write clear posts, and create powerful lead magnets?
Because the words really, really matter. The words you write are what attract your ideal clients into your program. They’re the one thing your potential clients encounter before they decide to choose you or move on. The words you share are IT. The key.
So, my beef with these programs (many of which I took) is that they don’t give you personalized feedback around your niche and ideal client avatar at all, and then they expect you to build out a successful marketing strategy.
Or, they employ this trick: They sell you a mass-market program that claims to help you with this, but is clearly WAY too massive to give you personal attention. Then, if you want personal attention, you have to purchase their bigger, more expensive program.
I forked out well over $100K in my 16 years as a coach for programs like this that simply didn’t do the trick.
It was only when I hired 1-1 help with my messaging that I really got traction with my niche, ideal client avatar, and client attraction.
This is because I finally got the feedback I needed in order to really create clear messaging!
Because this was uber frustrating to me, I designed my Slacker Magic Manifesting System for my clients to include that vital step in attracting clients - clear messaging.
And, in my group program, I make sure that everyone gets the 1-1 feedback they need around this, even in a group setting, to truly build out a successful strategy with clear messaging.
Without this feedback, everyone ends up spinning - often for years, just like I did.
To get traction in your marketing, we need to clarify three things:
The problem you solve for your clients.
The outcome you get for your clients.
What your superpower is.
Guess what we don’t need to do?
Niche down.
Do an ideal client avatar process.
Sweet relief, yeah? 😀
When you join my program, we’ll get all three of those things on my list clarified, and you won’t do it alone. I will give you the feedback you need to make it good, clear, and effective for your messaging. And, of course, I’ll also show you how to create great messaging from that core message we’ve designed together!
Then we’ll design your program for maximum scalability and time freedom for you, I’ll help you clarify your modality, and then we’ll get some clients in the door!
You can learn more about the program here.