Don't Forget this Step to Call in Money

manifesting slacker magic Oct 15, 2024
woman relaxing on the couch while she manifesting money

When you think about manifesting with ease and flow, you might imagine yourself resting on the couch while magical income and clients appear as if by magic. While this can happen, there’s an important step you MUST take if you really want to manifest income and clients in your business.

This step is acting on your inner wisdom guidance.

This means that when you get a hit to do something in your business, you’ll want to follow through and actually do it.

Without this important step, you aren’t partnering with the universe when it comes to manifesting what you want. You and the universe need to work together! When you get instructions to march, you’ll want to march!

So, how does this fit in with the whole ease and flow concept?

Well, do NOT march when you haven’t been told to march. Rest on the couch, relax, play, do things that are delightful, and generally goof off unless you’ve been told through inner wisdom to go do something specific.

If inner wisdom says to write a sales page for your business, for example, you’ll want to sit down and do it. Even if it feels a little hard. Even if you’re resisting it.

Here’s an important fact: EVERYTHING starts out feeling a bit hard. Even when you’re excited to do it! I can’t think of very many times when I just leapt right into a big ol’ project without a single shred of resistance.

Resistance is normal.

You have to just know it’s going to show up.

We’d rather rest on the couch, take a walk in the woods, or goof off. Our nature loves that! So, shifting into a task, even one we’re excited about, can feel like a hard no at first.

Yet, if you actually look underneath that resistance, you’ll find that part of you DOES want to move forward with this task.

You’ll have to do this little dance with resistance every day in your business.

Sometimes coaches get confused and think that if resistance shows up, it means don’t take the action. Nope. It just means you have some resistance right now.

Expect it.

Feel underneath it.

Find that internal drive that’s telling you to go for it.

Then, tackle the project!

You’ll find that you do actually get into the flow really quickly.

Then, when you start to feel sluggish, off, tired, brain-foggy, or distracted, take a break. Walk away. Go goof off.

This is how we stay in the ease and flow place and actually manifest what we want as we partner with the universe.

This is also the answer to the question I get asked a lot, which is “How do you create and do so much while still also slacking?”

Because yes, I do slack! Slacking off is necessary if you’re going to manifest the income of your dreams and the perfect clients.

Yet, I also do a lot of action steps for my business. I just don’t do them unless inner wisdom tells me to do them.

This is fun news, because it means you can ignore ALL the scary, hustle-filled business advice that feels icky to you and only take in the business advice that feels magical and zings with your inner wisdom.

So, no, I don’t lie on the couch all day every day with magical fairies bringing me money and other delights. But I DO lie on the couch at some point every day and take care of my magical body! I pay attention to it and I don’t pressure it to work when it really needs to rest.

That’s the magic in action!

And, of course, I can totally help you differentiate between inner wisdom and inner self-pressure when it comes to your business. In my group program, we will create a ton of clarity for you around what your inner wisdom is guiding you to do, what to do with fear/anxiety, and when to take action versus when to step away.

I’ll teach you my entire Slacker Magic System so that you can spend more time resting on the couch, lol, and also take action when you really feel the call. Speaking of being called, we’ll also articulate your calling so clearly that it will be easy to write social media content that attracts your soulmate clients. Then we’ll make sure your signature program is designed to serve and attract those clients as well (either building it from the ground up or revamping it) and is easy to create, deliver, and maintain.

You can learn more about this program here.