How to Get Out of Your Funk and Back Into Your Manifesting Vibe
Jun 08, 2023
Ever feel like you’re in a funk - like you feel disconnected from your inner wisdom, you’re not in a manifesting vibe, you’re feeling low, and even though you know of a million self-care practices that could help, you can’t seem to do them?
This can be because your mind-body connection is trying to tell you that you actually need more rest right now, but your mind isn’t catching on to the message.
For example, I found myself feeling this way a few months ago, and my mind went down the path it always goes down - it told me I was doing something wrong because I should feel better than this. I should be using all of my mind-body tools that I know.
It also pressured me to keep on working and planning activities to do with my daughter, no matter how off I felt.
This isn’t my first rodeo with the tricks my mind plays on me, so I realized I needed to pause and find out what was really going on.
Whenever I notice self-pressure kicking in like that, it feels like a knot in my stomach and I start feeling anxious. My mind starts to rev into high gear and pressure me more and more to do better - whether it’s related to my business, parenting, or something else.
The tricky part of this is that for us heart-centered people, this mind game is really convincing.
Because we care so much about being of service, caring for those we love, being responsible, and generally living with integrity, anything our minds tell us about self-improvement is completely believable.
Even if we’re totally onto the fact that we have limiting beliefs and not all of them are true, we are easy prey when it comes to this line of thinking.
You have to really watch your mind when it goes into this space. Is self-improvement a positive thing? Yes, in moderate doses.
But, like anything else, it can be taken overboard.
The reality is when you’re actually disconnected from your body awareness and you’re pressuring yourself to improve yourself to the extent that you feel like I did - anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed, it’s counterproductive to work on improving yourself in that moment.
Any steps you take to try to do a better job or be a better human won’t move you forward toward your goals.
For example, when I was feeling off and anxious, I tried to do that extra activity with my daughter because I wanted to be a better mom. More present. More focused. A mom who is ready to do fun activities with her daughter.
See how convincing this is? I totally bought it at first!
And, what happened instead was I couldn’t stop being grumpy and anxious. I couldn’t focus. The whole time we were doing the activity, I felt irritable and frustrated. I tried to tame it, but I knew it was leaking out in my tone of voice.
I couldn’t even accomplish the very thing my mind told me I should be doing to be a better person.
In this sort of funk, sometimes I can’t access all the self-help or self-practices that I’ve learned and just find myself in a mind loop.
The only thing I can remember to do is to sit down and breathe, check in with my body, and notice what I’m feeling.
It never ceases to surprise me how disconnected I can get from simple body awareness. And yet, that’s exactly what we’re taught to do in our culture! Push past the body and just keep going. Dissociate from awareness of our bodies and achieve our goals.
When I sat down to check in during that funk, it only took a moment before I realized what my mind-body connection was trying to tell me.
My body was freaking exhausted!
I needed to rest. Plain and simple.
I know that this seems like a Captain Obvious moment, but it really never is. I can be knocking at death’s door and still think I have the energy to do better! Be better! Work harder!
I’ve noticed this is quite true for my fellow heart-centered humans, too, when I’m working with my clients.
It’s far easier than we realize to get very out of sync with how much rest we actually need. Even if we’ve been lying down for a few hours, we might still not be resting, because our minds can be so busy pressuring us to accomplish things that we’re only pseudo-resting.
I call this guilt-resting.
In order to get real rest, we actually need to rest our minds and our bodies. Rest is more than sleep. It’s also downtime. Time when our nervous system can let down and not be hypervigilant. Time when our nervous system can drop out of activation and enjoy regulation, which allows the mind to rest, too.
For example, I might rest by listening to a guided meditation or curling up on the couch with a stuffed animal that feels comforting and a soft blanket. These types of sensory experiences help my nervous system relax, too, so that my mind isn’t spinning while I’m trying to rest my body.
The mind and the nervous system must be on the same page when it comes to rest. And, we will have to constantly remind ourselves that we need more rest than our minds think we do. This is because our cultural conditioning to constantly achieve is really, really powerful.
We don’t realize that we’ll actually achieve more if we rest our minds and bodies first.
When I’m rested, I have the energy to be the mom who takes her daughter ice skating and teaches her how to do spins. I’m present. I’m focused.
All without even trying.
This is the exact reason that resting first, resting when we need to, and really trusting that rest will take us where we need to go is the key to working with divine feminine flow and allowing our mind-body connection to help us manifest what we want in our lives.
So, when my clients are in a funk, I immediately prescribe rest. It works every time!
It’s so easy to forget, though, so I have to check in with my body and get the reminder every time this happens to me.
Just the other day, I had a rare morning (as a parent) where I got to sleep in until 9 am. It was heavenly! It felt so good!
And, a couple of hours later, I felt tired again. My mind was so confused! I had just rested; why the heck was I tired?
Then I had to giggle. My mind actually thought that three hours of extra sleep would make up for the giant rest deficit that comes from being up with a baby in the night, then a toddler, then a young child, for kazillions of nights, over the many years of parenting I’ve been doing. Not to mention all the other exhausting things about parenting.
I could probably rest for a month straight and still be pretty dang tired.
Our minds are constantly going to underestimate the actual amount of rest we need because we’re always living in this deficit.
Thankfully, we have the mind-body connection to remind us that we need to stop and rest, really take some downtime, and get back into the divine feminine flow if we want to manifest the outcomes we’re trying to create, be they health-related, parenting-related, money-related, or you name it.
Working with you to help you fully connect with your body’s messages, know how to shift out of self-pressure, and help your nervous system finally relax is a big part of my Mind-Body Magic Life Coach Training Program. You’ll learn how to fully tap into your inner wisdom and trust it consistently so that you can manifest from the divine feminine - and get out of trying to push yourself (which often causes stress-induced illness, anyway)!
You’ll learn my Mind-Body Magic Method, which will teach you how to shift out of the mindset and habit patterns that can create stress-induced illness (or TMS), anxiety, and tension and prevent you from accessing the divine feminine flow that inner wisdom is always helping us find.
This means you’ll be able to improve your well-being and your manifesting through tapping into the messages your mind-body connection is sharing with you. And, if you want to use the Mind-Body Magic Method with your existing clients (or train to be a coach from the ground up), you’ll have the training to do so.
You’ll be able to help your clients get to the real root of the issues they are facing, which are deeply rooted in how their nervous system is functioning and how aligned they are or aren’t within their mind-body connection. Then they will get more effective and lasting results to heal those issues when they work with you.
You can learn more about this program and others here.