How to Grow Your Business with Magic Instead of Hustle

mind-body biz success wizardry slacker magic Sep 17, 2024
Woman sitting at a desk smiling as she works with magic

If you’re not a fan of the hustle and don’t want to run yourself ragged growing your coaching business, but you also feel really inspired to work in your calling and manifest lots of fabulous clients, here’s what you need:

  1. A clearly articulated core message that tells people exactly what problem you solve and the outcome you create for your clients
  2. A simple, fun signature program that gives clients this outcome, compelling content that attracts clients to your program
  3. A way to work that really does take your body into account rather than running it into the ground.

This combo is the key to making your business grow efficiently, even magically, so that you don’t have to put in all sorts of elbow grease and wear yourself down. If you have a chronic syndrome or tend to get stress-based illnesses (or are just sensitive to energy and stress), you’ll find that this combo makes it really doable to have the business you love and the time away from your business that you really, truly need.

If you have a clearly articulated core message that is a theme running through all of your content (emails, posts, videos, workshops), this message will do all the heavy lifting for your business and create the practical flow from your content to your program that makes manifesting clients feel so much easier and truly magical.

You’ll wake up in the morning and find that your content has been working for you overnight and potential clients are curious about your work. You’ll be able to step away and truly take time for yourself while your content merrily works away, attracting people into your world.

You’ll feel so aligned and confident that you’ll be vibrationally aligned with your new clients, who will often show up out of the blue, ready to register, with no further effort on your part. This will seriously upgrade your manifesting results!

Compelling messaging alone is a hugely powerful force that can make your business grow quickly, and when you add in the magic of having mind-body-spirit alignment in the way you work, you’re adding in powerful manifesting mojo that only amps up the power of your messaging.

You know what it feels like to work in a soul-crushing way. It makes you feel like you’ve lost your freedom, your inspiration, and your joy. This isn’t what we want as manifesting entrepreneurs, because that vibration will slow down your business growth, make you feel terrible physically, and leave you without all your best, creative ideas.

For example, let’s say that you walk into your office to write some messaging for your business, and you notice that you’re not feeling creative at all. In fact, you have a headache, you feel really tense, and you’re even having some anxiety.

Traditional business coaches might say to push through and do it anyway. They might say to change your mindset and then do it.

What they don’t realize is that your nervous system is driving your anxiety and tension in this moment, and your body is speaking to you with a headache, telling you what it needs. Maybe it needs rest. Maybe it needs water. Maybe it needs some time to meditate and clear your mind.

If you stop and take the time to allow your nervous system to shift out of fight, flight, or freeze and then recalibrate into what we call a regulated state, you’ll not only feel better, but you’ll have your creative mind back.

It’s literally the worst to try to write compelling messaging when you’re unable to access your creative mind due to the activation of your fight, flight, or freeze response! You’ll feel unable to focus, fuzzy, and unable to access the new ideas you need.

Simple nervous system soothing activities will be the ones you’re drawn to do: walking in nature, breathing and simply being present, drinking some water, taking a nap, listening to soothing music, or connecting with friends.

It’s truly ok to step away from your business and take care of your mind, body, and spirit. When you return, you’ll be ready to roll out the compelling messaging with ease.

If you have this amazing combo of working with your body instead of against it while also creating powerful, compelling messaging that attracts clients, you’re completely aligned to make the income and impact you want. The only other thing you need is a way to deliver your coaching that allows you space, freedom, and growth potential while bringing in plenty of clients to increase your income and give you the fantastic humans you love to serve.

A simple signature program will do the trick, because it can be incredibly easy to deliver, does not have to be complicated, and can be designed to grow with you as you scale up. This will get rid of the sluggish registrations for your 1-1 coaching packages, because it will clearly show your potential clients the path to the outcome they sooooooo long for, making it easy for them to decide to register.

With all of these components in place in your business, you’ll feel the zing of alignment, confidence, and joy because you’re truly working in your calling, which creates a powerfully magnetic vibration. It lights you up! You become highly magnetic to your perfect clients on an energy level. And, you won’t be feeling exhausted and stressed - you’ll be feeling inspired.

At the same time, all the practical elements are there as well to allow your potential clients to go beyond the energetic pull they feel toward your work; they’ll be able to justify registering with their logical mind, too, because your messaging clearly shows them how they will get the outcomes they want. They will feel reassured as they pull out that credit card and sign up, and they’ll be fully invested and ready to dive in and go for it.

In my group program, getting you aligned and clear around your niche (AKA calling) is the very first thing we do. I use my intuitive gift as a Celtic Seer to see what your true path is and what will bring income into your business while also making you feel totally lit up about the work you do. Then my team and I write your core message for you, which serves as the basis for all of your compelling content going forward.

Meanwhile, you’ll be learning my Slacker Magic System for working with magic and manifesting instead of hustle so that you can get all your best ideas as downloads from the universe when you aren’t even at your desk and get your content written without even feeling like you’re putting in any effort.

Next, we design your signature program that’s fun, doable, and powerful for your clients. Right away, we get test clients inside it at a lower price so that you can make income while also getting great testimonials and the confidence that your program is highly effective and aligned with your calling.

As you take these practical steps to grow your business efficiently and set it up with the structure that will allow it to grow continually with magic instead of hustle, you’ll also get my Mind-Body Magic Method for healing so that you can feel better in your body. You can feel that mind-body attunement that allows for more ease, creativity, and access to your inner wisdom.

Every phase of the program is laid out with simple, doable steps so that you know exactly what to do, and you’ll get coaching, feedback, and support from me and my team around manifesting, the business practicals, your written messaging, and your mind-body connection. You can even use my mind-body practices with your clients, if you want, and get a certification.

You can learn more about this program and others here.