Heal from TMS or Stress-Induced Illnesses

mind-body healing shaman sickness Aug 13, 2024
woman with TMS doubled over in pain

After doing a quick poll, I’ve discovered that nearly everyone who has taken my group coaching program has experienced physical healing in one way or another!

We’ve had participants heal from back pain, pelvic pain, endometriosis, migraines, joint pain, thyroid issues, various other autoimmune issues, and more.

I mean, I know that I created the Mind-Body Magic Method to heal myself, back in the day, but WOW.

I didn’t know how far-reaching the healing effects would be.

Kudos, too, to everyone in the training who dove into the practices and really embraced them. It’s not like I’m the healer; they did it for themselves.

I just shared the processes and helped them learn how to use them.

The container, too, is what allows a lot of healing to happen. It’s easier to heal yourself when you’re in a community of people who support your decision to take naps instead of force yourself to work another four hours, for example!

In our daily lives, we’re met with so many demands on our time and pressures to keep going, going, going. Rarely do you get support around NOT doing things.

That’s what makes the mind-body training community so powerful. It’s a culture of its own, that supports you in leaving cultural norms behind.

It’s a place where sensitive humans DO fit in. So exciting!

Where Shaman Sickness is normal, and we all support each other as we traverse the interesting life journey these bodies bring us.

One of the most important things we do in this program is make sure you learn self-kindness (as much as I can force you to do that, lol - BE KIND, DAMMIT) so that you don’t pressure yourself to be great at self-healing. (It’s so easy to fall into that trap - but we’re all in human bodies and sometimes we’ll face a new healing adventure despite having all the tools and skills in the world.)

There’s an incredible grace to the mind-body healing process when you truly drop into self-kindness. It’s really the kindness that heals us, in the end.

You can learn more about this program and others here.