When the House Flooded and the Dogs Barfed Everywhere, This is How I Ran My Business

ahhh...relax and rejuvenate slacker magic Feb 13, 2024
stressed out woman with her hand on her forehead

In case you haven’t noticed, I have a serious beef with hustle culture. πŸ˜‚ Mainly because it’s killing my favorite humans (heart-centered folks with lots of compassion and sensitivity) and making them feel bad about their very most magical traits. So, the best way to fix that is to create a community where we CELEBRATE those traits and heal together.

As you may have guessed - I’ve done this!

Let’s get one thing straight first, though; you and I are some of the best hustlers around. We can hustle our asses off. We can get things done!

Except then we’re dead, or nearly so.

The cool part is, we don’t have to do it this way.

Hustle culture has told us we have to, and we bought that story. We are driven to succeed and do our part to serve, so we dove right in and hustled our buns. We’re also sometimes driven by fear and anxiety to leap into action mode - because that’s what we’ve been taught to do.

Except, our bodies are not at all excited about this hustle thing.

And, our spirits really long for a slower pace and a gentler way.

We’re actually way too sensitive to energy to be pushing ourselves in the way that hustle culture wants us to. This is why we get stress-induced ailments, pain, anxiety, and your average case of irritability. πŸ˜‚

Just this morning, I woke up with a whopping case of anxiety. I tuned in to my body, felt the sensory experience in there, and asked my being what was going on. My mind wanted to convince me that it was this, that, or the other thing that needs fixing and it was time to take immediate action.

Luckily, I’m onto my mind. πŸ˜‰

I stayed with the sensations and kept listening to the deeper message.

It emerged slowly, revealing layers of discomfort.

  1. It’s summer, and I have less time to myself because my kiddo is home and glued to my side.
  2. I love, crave, and need time to myself.
  3. My kiddo is having a tough time emotionally and needs extra support.
  4. I’m sleeping less due to the parenting support thing.
  5. I have two cute but naughty golden retrievers who got into something for the kabillionth time and are now barfing all over my house.
  6. I love my kiddo and want to spend time with her.
  7. I love my doggos and yet want to temporarily banish them.
  8. My house flooded and what feels like thousands of humans (to my introverted soul) have been traipsing through to sort out the watery mess and start rebuilding.
  9. Did I mention I crave quiet time to myself? Which is not happening?
  10. Oh, and I have this little thing called my business to run this summer. πŸ˜‚

Even though I knew, technically, that all these things were going on, I didn’t realize the deeper impact this was having on my spirit. Thus, the mystery of why I was a little homicidal lately was revealed. πŸ˜‚

The thing is, when life is throwing curveballs and you’re in the muck like I am, you can’t just push through and freaking make your business go. It’s way too hard.

And yet, that’s what we’ve been taught to do.

When the going gets tough, the heart-centered folks need to step back and take amazing care of themselves.

It’s the only way we can stay tapped in and connect to our inner wisdom, our creativity, our problem solving magic, our manifesting mojo, and our true nature.

When we’re tapped in like this is when we make magic in our businesses!

The magic doesn’t come when we push ourselves and work harder.

As I tuned into myself and discovered why the anxiety was there, I knew what I needed to do. I needed to actually find that quiet time for myself, even if in small little pieces. (When my daughter was two, I used to watch Netflix in the bathroom for two minutes every now and then - to restore my sense of having a little time for myself - so I know I little bit goes a long way!)

I immediately got out my calendar and started looking for the time slots I could steal for myself.

Yes, some of these will take away from working on my business.

That’s not a problem!

It’s necessary.

Our genius can only flow when we’re alive, you see! And to be alive, in every sense of the word, we need time and space for our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Nothing feels more amazing than free time, with nothing scheduled. Your mind can roam, your spirit can rest, and your heart can relax.

And, if you need help giving yourself true permission to take care of you before you take care of your business, I have a community where we focus entirely on that. It’s far easier to heal this hustle culture habit in a community, because we get the social support we need to change our thinking and our actions.

My group program is a container for growing your business to the next level while actually doing less and relaxing more. You’ll learn my Slacker Magic System for manifesting clients and income without running yourself into the ground. You’ll learn how to tune in and connect to your deepest needs, give yourself permission to attend to them, and create the space in your life and business so that you can.

And yes, we’ll also do all the business magic! We’ll get your messaging clarified so that it takes much less time and energy to bring clients into your world. We’ll create your signature program so that the way you serve clients feels incredibly aligned, and they also know exactly how you can help them. We’ll get those potential clients super excited to register!

You can learn more about this program and others here.