How to Articulate What You Do So You Get Registrations
Feb 20, 2024
So you have the general concept for your niche, but you can’t quite get the words figured out that really articulate it so that people sign up on a regular basis and your income moves to the next level. To fix this problem, you’ll need to get ridiculously clear on the problem you solve and the outcome you offer your clients.
This may sound sort of simple, but it’s actually the most intense part of getting your messaging dialed in to effectively compel people to work with you. (You want them to feel inspired!)
Figuring out the right words is the most labor-intensive and time-intensive part of your marketing, and almost everyone feels a little freaked out and skips past the necessary steps.
For example, I was working with someone recently who was thinking she wanted to work with retirement-age women who were in crisis.
However, once we started talking and really looking at who she loved working with, we discovered her ideal clients weren’t actually in crisis - they were past the crisis. They were ready to look into a spiritual path due to have been in a crisis.
This kind of super small and yet highly important tweak can totally change your messaging.
A niche is just a focus for your coaching. Your messaging is the real money-maker.
You’ll need your niche to be aligned with money-making industries, of course, in order for your business to succeed and thrive and grow, but what matters most is how you articulate the problem you solve and the solution you offer.
My business didn’t make income in my original niche until I dialed in my messaging and articulated that I was helping women relieve chronic pelvic pain through mind-body healing techniques so they could get their life back.
You might think that getting out of pain is the key outcome for those clients.
However, it’s not.
This is where digging into the right words is so important! If you really talk to people in chronic pain, they will say that they want it to stop. Of course! But, that’s not the outcome they actually want.
Nobody just wants the pain to stop.
They want it to stop so that they can go back to doing things they love, like yoga, walking, wearing jeans, making love, traveling, and more.
They want it to stop so that they don’t feel trapped in their current situation and can have a life again.
Another example would be my current clients. They don’t want to make money just to have money. They want to make money doing what they love as a coach so they can feel well-compensated for working in their calling without having to work their bodies into the ground.
You might have noticed that the phrase that helps us dig a bit deeper is, “so they can.”
If you’re not sure if you’re onto the right outcome that your clients want, start asking yourself if what you think they want is just the thing that gets them TO the actual outcome they want.
Pain relief gets them to having a life again.
Money gets them to getting to do the work they love.
The easiest way to find out this true outcome in your work is to hop on the phone or zoom with your clients or people who are interested in your work and ask them what they want and why.
And, of course, I can help you get all of this done without breaking a sweat in my group program. I take you through the exact process you need to go through to get super clear on what you solve for your clients and then I actually articulate it for you. It’s the WORST to have to articulate it yourself. We can’t see our own businesses.
This normally arduous process will be completely doable together. I’ll use my intuitive gift as a Celtic Seer to spiritually align you with your calling and clarify your messaging. Then we’ll build your signature program out so that you can work less and make more money while doing what you love.
And, I’ll give you my somatic, mind-body healing practices that help your body feel supported as your business thrives and my Slacker Magic System for growing your business without the hustle.
You can learn more about this program and others here.