How to I “Let Go” When You REALLY Want Something to Work?

manifesting mind-body law of attraction tricks Feb 17, 2025
person's arm reaching out toward the ocean

I've been manifesting my business for thirteen years (after trying it the hard way for the first two!). And frankly, I’m obsessed with helping heart-centered coaches to fix the little gaps in their manifesting practices that are preventing them from getting the bigger results they truly want.

When we fix those gaps … that’s when things get exciting!

Recently, I had a client do the inner work and get clear on what she desired. She’d been feeling stuck in a job that wasn’t a fit, so she imagined her ideal work scenario in vivid detail. She even went the extra mile and worked with me to design her very own manifesting script!

She used the script faithfully for a couple of weeks … then all of a sudden, she got a sign from the Universe. Someone in her network connected her with a new job that aligns beautifully with her desires, right down to the smallest details. It was a wildly improbable indicator that her manifesting practice was working, and she was excited about it.

Do you know that delightful feeling – that thrill of seeing your deepest desires coming toward you? No matter how many times I see it happen for myself and my clients, it ALWAYS feels like magic.

And yet … it’s tricky, isn’t it? Now that you have that sign, how the heck are you supposed to stay centered and grounded? When the dream feels closer, you might be tempted to hold onto it and keep it in an iron grip energetically.

The problem is, that grasping energy actually takes you farther away from what you want!

This is one of the trickiest manifesting questions. What do you do when – like my coaching client – you have an opportunity in front of you that you really want? How the heck are you supposed to stay out of grasping energy?

I’ve got your back. Here’s what I recommend, in sequential order.

→ Celebrate all the elements of the manifesting and the sign you received. You might say, “Wow, I've been doing my Manifesting Script for less than a month, and I just got the biggest sign in the world. Hooray, what I'm asking for IS possible!”

–> Remember who you are: a magical, spiritual person. Remember what you are capable of. Remember that you can manifest, that you can reach into formless energy and create whatever you want.

It may sound wild, but it's possible for all of us as humans. So remind yourself of your intention: “I am on this path. I focus my life this way; I create from formless energy.”

→ As you're thinking that way, visualize what you desire. Put on a movie screen in your mind, and really see it. Pick specific scenes for your situation.

To take my coaching client as an example: “I'm at this job, it feels so great, I love it here. Oh look, the money went into my bank account, I love this salary. This person I met works there, and we’re going for coffee. I'm having my favorite coffee drink with a kindred spirit.”

When you run this movie in your mind, you’re projecting it into reality.

→ When you feel the grip – the tension of, “I’ve got to have this, and I’ve got to have it NOW” – literally drop that energy out of your body on purpose. Open up your body; allow your muscles to relax. (In my programs I teach a tool called Safe Spaces that works perfectly here. It really helps to calm your system when the monkey mind is going full-tilt.)

Once you’ve let go of tension, shift into curiosity. Channel your inner science nerd and go into experiment energy. Own that you want this thing, and then get curious about your next steps.

When your monkey mind starts to chime in with fears and worries, remind yourself, “That's just muggle thinking. I don’t need to listen to that stuff. I use magical properties, I live magically. The divine has shown itself with this sign. And if this doesn't turn out, there's something better for me.”

That’s the energy of peace, confidence, and alignment. And this vibrational alignment is SO important for every aspect of your life and business.

This is just one of the things we work on in my group program, where we get you vibrationally aligned with what you truly want in your business.

You’ll be unable to live out of alignment ever again once you take this program. 😂 It will feel wrong. You’ll simply HAVE to pop back in the flow and manifest all sorts of magic anytime you step out of alignment for a few days. (HINT: You’ll even realize that those out of alignment days are meant to help you have MORE alignment!)

What you want to manifest will have to show up. It’s the universal law!

This is how my clients and I manifest perfect clients, more income, more abundance, well-being, and more.

You can learn more about the program here.