Is it Magic or Just Your Mind-Body Connection?

inner wisdom mind-body law of attraction tricks Jul 20, 2021
mind-body connection, mind-body magic, law of attraction, inner wisdom

My favorite present came from my aunt when I was nine. It was a magic wand.

She sewed a big purple star, decorated it with sparkly sequins, attached it to a metal stick, and added a purple ribbon. 

I made a lot of magic with that thing. 

When I was a kid, the world was alive with the potential of magic.

That’s why Harry Potter was a sensation: we love magic. We know, even as adults, in some part of our being, that magic is real. 

We can feel it in our bones. It’s exciting. And a little scary. (Can I really make magic happen? What if I suck at it?)

We read about the Law of Attraction and mind-body connection and feel a mix of doubt and hope. Or, we dive in and go for it, but wonder if we’ll ever really master it. 

We want the freaking magic! (Because, seriously! There has to be a better way than grinding through the slog! And, there is.)

To me, magic is not fluffy unicorns floating over sparkly rainbows. (Though I admit unicorns are pretty cool.) Magic is the mind-body connection working so well that you can hear your inner wisdom, your body has energy and well-being, and you feel completely in the flow.

This kind of magic, which I call mind-body magic, is rock-solid and practical. It’s what carries me and my clients through the worst of times. It helps you navigate when you feel anxious, panicked, scared, overwhelmed, uncertain, or lost. It helps you return to your center and find your way no matter what. 

That’s why it’s so darn powerful. 

I didn’t realize magic could be created with simple tools until I learned about mind-body healing.  My body was suffering and I created mind-body connection tools that helped it heal. They are my grown-up version of the magic wand, which I call my Anamsong™ Method. This method connects you to your spirit and helps you find the joy and light that makes life beautiful. It creates physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Here’s a snippet of one of the tools in the Anamsong™ Method:

  1. Take time today to do something ordinary, that you usually do without even thinking, in a totally different way. For example, start at the opposite side of the grocery store. Drive a completely different way to pick your kiddo up from an activity. Change up your shower routine. Pick a different walking route, or go a way you don’t usually go. Surprise your brain.
  2. At the end of the day, ask your inner wisdom if it has any guidance for you. 
  3. Jot down anything that you hear after you’ve asked the question. 

Mixing up the rote things on your to-do list triggers your mind-body connection, opens your mind up to inner wisdom, and gives you new ideas. Try this for a few days and see what happens!

Want more magic? Hop on over to my free Mind-Body Magic Facebook Group!