Make More Money in Your Coaching Business by Slowing Down

ahhh...relax and rejuvenate slacker magic Jul 16, 2024
woman slowing down in her business and laying in a field of flowers

What if your business is making money, so it feels like a huge risk to slow down and it’s hard to trust the world won’t fall apart? Well, you simply need a way to slow down that feels less risky and actually lets you get the important things done so that you can still make money - in fact, even more money!

The only reason we don’t slow down is we’ve been taught that in order to thrive financially, we really do have to work hard, harder, and more. Luckily, this isn’t actually the case.

What a relief to know that yes, you really can slow down and not lose income or momentum in your business.

For example, several years ago, I had a VIP client who was paying me big bucks. However, the way my schedule felt with that client just didn’t feel aligned. I worked a lot of hours and my body wasn’t up for it.

I decided to stop working with that client and shift how my business worked. I need to really take a look at how I scheduled my time and what I did each day. I really wanted to slow down. My whole being ached for it.

So, I let the client go, and I stepped into the terrifying abyss of change.

I did something I had only done once before, right after my daughter was born. I took eight weeks off.

I didn’t coach. I didn’t write. I didn’t show up on social media.

I puttered around. I played the piano. I rested. I read books.

My spirit felt so light, so free, and so restored. When I stepped back into my business, I stepped back in with a brand new idea for how to help my clients. It was born during those eight weeks of doing nothing.

That brand new idea has since made my business shift up from $150K years to $300K instead. Letting go of that client, slowing down, and taking real care of me totally revolutionized my income.

I didn’t just slow down for those eight weeks. I came back to work with a new resolve to truly carve out time in my calendar for the part of me that needs time to read, journal, meditate, breathe, walk, play, be a mom, rest, and do nothing.

For example, all my VIP clients know that I’m not available for messaging on Tuesdays. Tuesdays are the day I putter around, take a walk, write, and work slowly.

The last week of the month every month, I slow my pace waaaaaaaaay down. I don’t coach or teach, and I take true time off for a couple of days during that week.

I also only coach and teach two weeks out of each month. I find that my brain works better if I’m only focusing on coaching or admin/content creation during a week - not both.

We’re all unique, so the way that you set up your calendar will be unique to you. Maybe you like slow Fridays. (I picked Tuesdays because they are rarely a day off of school for my kiddo.) Maybe you can take weekends to yourself. Whatever you need, trust that it’s perfect for you.

The more you sit down and look at what really doesn’t feel aligned in your schedule and what does feel aligned (or what would feel aligned), and then run experiments, the more you will get into sync with the true rhythms of your work style.

I’m definitely a racehorse when I’m in the work zone. I fly. I go fast. I get things done.

But - only because I also take the putter time. The slow days. The rest.

Maybe you like to work more steadily, or maybe you need short bursts of go time and then longer bursts of rest. We’re all different.

I’d encourage you to simply stop the way you’re working right now, if it feels too intense, and immediately make changes in your calendar.

With my 1-1 clients, we often have to find some emergency time off right away when they start working with me. Their spirits are craving it and they aren’t feeling inspired due to fatigue and overwhelm.

If you’re having visions of living in a cottage by the sea by yourself, running off into the woods for weeks on end, or shutting yourself in your bedroom and lying down for the rest of time, you know you need emergency time off. Book it.

Slowing down is absolutely essential so that your spirit, your heart, your body, your mind, and your emotions can all work together to support your dream business. You’ll be healthy and strong enough to support working in your calling. And, you’ll have the time and space for all the ideas to download - they just need the space and freedom to do so. You can’t stare down ideas and expect them to be born.

If you need permission to not go to a family picnic, I hereby grant it. If you need permission to take a recovery day after a holiday, I hereby grant it. If you need permission to book some time off this week, I hereby grant it.

Clearing your calendar of the things that don’t serve you and your business is part of what I do in my group program. Then we’ll work to find your specific rhythm and what works best for you so that you can work differently and still get everything that matters to you done.

We’ll also articulate who you serve, the problem you solve, and the outcome you provide so that your messaging can attract more clients than ever before. We’ll take a look at what you might be saying in your content that’s keeping some of your perfect clients from registering and clear that up. I’ll also help you see what your unique coaching method is that you might not even know you have so that you can create or refine your signature program. All of this will lead to scaling up your income.

This will make it much easier to make more income while working less, because your program will be designed to serve your clients and you, both, in the ways that you need. The more energy and vitality you have, the more fun you’ll have and the more you’ll have to give to your clients.

Plus, you’ll have the time to really do what you love - putter around like me, garden, read books, hike, walk, or whatever it is that feeds your soul. If you have kids, we’ll make sure you aren’t dead tired and can spend true quality time being present as a parent.

You won’t have to feel afraid to slow down when you’re in my community and getting regular coaching; I’ll be able to help you create a transition plan to your new way of working that feels doable and safe.

You can learn more about this program and others here.