Don't Forget Your Business When You're Manifesting Money!

manifesting May 14, 2024
woman laying Jenga, not worrying about money

When you’re focusing on manifesting more income into your business, you’ll get better results if you take the time to consider what you want to pay yourself monthly or earn monthly in the business and also what you want the business to be able to purchase, support, and sustain inside itself.

Let me explain.

When I first started focusing on making $5K months in my business, I was thinking about how I would use that money personally, outside of my business. It felt exciting to think all the bills would be covered plus some extras outside of that.

That number felt like the right number to help me cover everything I wanted for my personal life.

However, as I started growing from $2K per month to $5K per month, I found that the business itself also had needs that went further than I had previously realized.

First of all, I wanted to hire a virtual assistant, because there were technical aspects of the business I didn’t really want to do or wasn’t good at.

I also wanted to take some programs and training, schedule retreats with fellow coaches to brainstorm and inspire each other, and purchase software that would help me run my business.

I quickly found that when I was manifesting income, I needed to consider everything I wanted in my personal life AND inside my business. That was the only way my list was actually complete and aligned with my soul.

Anytime we’re manifesting money, we’re also manifesting other things as well. In my case, it was time freedom, play, delight, creative exploration, connection, and money.

If we just look at money, without all the other aspects of what we want to manifest, it’s not the complete picture. This can create an inadvertent manifesting hiccup, because we might accidentally have two competing desires that we’re not really addressing.

If I’m trying to manifest $5K months without also manifesting time freedom, I might accidentally manifest myself into more work and less time freedom, just to hit that goal. Or, I might not manifest the money because part of me knows it’s not worth it without the time freedom. Clarity is key when we’re creating that vibrational alignment!

And, if I want time freedom, I also want things like a virtual assistant and software that supports me. If I want connection and play, I also want retreats with fellow coaches.

Everything fits together like a puzzle!

I suspect that what you want, just like me, is a business that sustains itself, pays for the things you want to do inside the business, AND pays you the salary you want every single month, consistently.

With that as your starting intention, you can then let the universe bring you everything that will support that desire!

Now you’re more likely to see the money rolling in because you’ve included everything your business really needs to support itself and you at the same time.

Something I love to do when I’m manifesting for my business is make lists of what would feel amazing and delicious when it comes to support inside my business to help it function well. Whenever we’re scaling up from one income level to another, there will be new needs and wants. I’m kind of asking the business itself what it wants!

Some things I’ve put on the list and then manifested include:

  • The aforementioned virtual assistant
  • An additional assistant with specific design skills
  • A bookkeeper (this is HEAVEN)
  • Retreats (solo and with colleagues - so amazing!)
  • My favorite program platform - Kajabi
  • A business manager who is also a coach
  • Instructors for my programs who have trained with me
  • Friendships
  • A cozy office space

It’s exciting to think about everything you want inside your business, and it can also feel a little scary. The income you desire may need to be adjusted up a bit to start adding in these important items from your list.

And, at the same time, it’s so worth it because your manifesting will now be more on point and will work more quickly and easily for you. When I was working to manifest from $5k months to $10-15K months, I realized I needed the Kajabi software program. Sure, it cost money, and at the same time, it’s now what sustains the business at $25K plus months.

This is how you can scale your business bit by bit. Your desires now and what your business wants now are going to lay the foundation for what’s next and the larger business you’re about to manifest.

I just had this discussion with a participant in the group program I run. She wants a virtual assistant, and also feels nervous about spending that money. At the same time, adding a virtual assistant is exactly what will allow her more time to create the business she wants to have, making it possible to level up and scale.

While you’re making your expanded manifesting list and really including everything you want for your business, my group program can help you release the money fears. We actually have an entire bi-weekly call dedicated to just that. That way you can feel freer and more excited about the dreams you and your business have and actually manifest them instead of feeling stuck at a certain income level.

These "Fear & Money Block" calls take you through a somatic, mind-body process for helping your nervous system regulate and your mind release worry when money fears come up. You’ll know exactly what to do when money fears start creeping in and making it feel scary to dream bigger for your business.

Money fears are normal, and they’ll hit at any level of your business. I’ve even found they can show up more the more I up-level my income. This isn’t anyone’s fault; it’s just because as you grow, you need more insight and guidance from your inner wisdom. Fear is just tapping you on the shoulder, letting you know that there’s an adjustment you need to make. The more you grow, the more adjustments are required.

Eventually, though, you settle into a new rhythm and then the fears die down a bit until your next adventure in scaling your business. I can help you make peace with these cycles and know exactly how to navigate them so that you can fulfill your calling and expand your business to the levels you crave.

You can learn more about this program and others here.