Are You Marketing to the Wrong Person?
Aug 06, 2024
I had a conversation with my chiropractor recently that reminded me yet again of how important it is to know the right details about our ideal clients in order to make specific income goals possible.
He was telling me that he’s frustrated that his marketing isn’t bringing in the quantity of clients he wants and that he envies the level of commitment my clients have to the work we do together and their passion to make progress.
This passion makes them sign up to work with me, and he feels that his clients, because they aren’t coaches, aren’t as likely to want to make progress.
“How do you get just your average Joe Blow to want to move forward and sign up?” He asked.
This was a rhetorical question in his mind, but I actually have the answer.
The truth is, he doesn’t really want to work with ‘just your average Joe Blow’ and his marketing shouldn’t be talking to that person at all.
The misconception and the place where the disconnect between his income level and his marketing lies is in that very idea; he has to work with the average Joe Blow.
When we’re trying to shift our business up to a new income level, sometimes there are unconscious thoughts and rules in our minds that are really holding us back. One of his might be that the average Joe Blow can’t be excited to make progress. Or, it might be that he thinks he has to work with a lot of Joe Blows to make money instead of just saying he wants to work with people who are devoted to personal growth.
Maybe his ideal client is actually women in their forties who are obsessed with personal growth and exciting about life coaching.
I’ll admit, the Celtic Seer in me thinks this could be closer to his perfect client avatar and may find it hard not to talk about at my next appointment. 😉
I do know that he has reflected to me that I’m one of his favorite patients (if I do say so myself) because I’m motivated, I look at things through a positive lens, and I’m actively participating in my healing process. I’m a woman in my forties, obsessed with personal growth, and a coach.
His marketing already actively targeted me by mentioning that knee pain (which had cropped up a couple years ago) doesn’t always require surgery.
I would imagine that many people who are also obsessed with personal growth may also be on a healing path that is more conservative and don’t want surgery.
It’s quite possible that shifting the belief that he has to market to everyone instead of who he really wants to work with would allow him to attract far more clients and make far more income.
He gets to choose to market to people who are obsessed with personal growth and fully committed to making progress. Even just typing that makes ME feel better for him! 😜
Just that one tweak to a niche and everything that you write and share changes, which means now you are on a new, tighter messaging path that brings you the exact client you want. If you’re not making the income you want to be making in your business, start there first.
What needs to change in your messaging to align it with the clients you really want to serve?
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