What if Mind-Body Work Isn't Working?

coaching with mind-body tools Feb 20, 2023
Brain + Heart graphic

If you love mind-body connection and spiritual work with your clients (or dream of doing this with clients), then you’ll want to make sure you’re using a combination of nervous system work, emotional work, mindset work, inner wisdom work, and even coaching tools that change how your clients’ brain is functioning in order to get the best results with your clients.

There are a lot of “mind-body lite” type approaches for clients that seem exciting because they are based on things like meditation and mindfulness. However, they often miss the type of work I listed above, which is essential if you want to see lasting results for your clients.

By results, I mean permanent shifts in chronic pain relief, anxiety relief, stress relief, positive outlook in general, resilience, the ability to connect with inner wisdom, body image healing, and so much more.

If clients aren’t seeing the results they want from the mind-body lite approaches, it’s because there are often foundational practices they need to have in place before they can have a great experience with mindfulness approaches and meditative approaches that aren’t teaching the deeper work underneath basic mind-body connection practices.

For example, I have a client who does yoga and mindfulness, but she’s having trouble accessing her inner wisdom. This is really common because in our culture we are not taught how to approach emotions as physical sensations in the body. What we are taught to do, is to focus on our to-do lists or self-criticism in our mind rather than our emotional experience.

And, if we do approach our emotions, it’s with the mind. We analyze them to find out why they’re here and how we can get rid of them.

This is so automatic that it’s completely unconscious. Without learning how to feel emotions in our bodies, as in “I notice this emotion feels heavy in my chest right now,” on a regular basis, we can’t really connect with our inner wisdom.

This is simply because the body is the access point for inner wisdom. We don’t say “gut feelings” for nothing! It’s true. Our bodies give us way more information about our inner wisdom than our minds do.

So, if we’re constantly focusing on our minds, we miss the subtle clues our emotions are giving us through physical sensations that point us to our own inner guidance.

Plus, if your clients have had stressful events in the past, they will unconsciously avoid feeling their emotions until they have a way to work with their nervous system that allows them to feel safe approaching their body sensations and emotions.

Helping you to learn these important approaches that make the mind-body connection work effective and powerful is the main focus of my Mind-Body Magic Life Coach Training and Certification Program. You’ll leave the program able to help clients have real success with their mind-body connection practices.

You’ll first apply everything you learn in the program to yourself, which means you’ll also get powerful transformations in your own mind-body connection practice! We’ll go through my entire Mind-Body Magic Method in the program, which teaches you that essential combination of nervous system work, emotional work, mindset work, inner wisdom work, and even coaching tools that change how your clients’ brain functions in order to get the best results with your clients.

In the second half of the program, you’ll be taking my Master Mind-Body Magic Life Coach Training Program where we add in tools for reading your clients’ energy, developing your psychic awareness for deeper intuitive work, working with angels and guides, and tons of fun “woo!”

You can learn more about this program and others here.