It's Not the Amount of Work You Do That Makes Money Flow In
Jul 30, 2024
If you want to make more than $10K/month, having self-discipline is so key when it comes to running your business, but that’s really different than having rigid internal rules for yourself that don’t allow you to have creative freedom and truly take care of your being. The trick is to know yourself well enough to identify the amount and type of self-guidance (not pressure!) you need in order to reach your goals.
For example, if you’re a Type A who always overthinks, over-efforts, feels responsible for everything and everyone, and tends to overlook her own well-being (solidarity!) you are going to need what I call Slacker Magic. 😂
This means that it’s almost impossible for you to realize and believe that you’re doing enough and you really can step back and take time for you. Your mind will consistently believe that you need to be putting in more time and effort, while reality will show you that you’ve reached the point of minimal return and detrimental return.
Meaning that the more you effort, you’ll reach your effort liming and tip over into the amount of effort that does absolutely no good or actually does harm. This can include physical effort and mental effort.
You may even find that there are times when you fall into a lot of procrastination or not doing, which freaks you out, because your mind has simply lost the plot and can’t face the amount of pressure you’re under to get things done perfectly.
Or, you’ll simply keep going and going and going until you run your body right into the ground.
The trick here is to find the amount of self-discipline that is actually beneficial to your business but doesn’t kill you or your creative drive.
I promise you that this likely will be so wildly different than what you think that it will feel downright irresponsible. Your inner critic will come shrieking out, telling you that you’re not working enough.
This means you’re onto something!
In fact, I’m currently using the mantra, “When I’m irresponsible, money flows to me.” 😂
This both terrifies and delights me at the same time. Because I know it’s true - when I actually slack off a bit, everything flows and I do make more money.
Slacking off means unclenching your jaw, your pelvic floor, and your neck and then taking a look around at what feels like the most nourishing thing in the world for your spirit.
To have healthy balance and feel great in our businesses, we need to nurture ourselves and our businesses, we need to have guidelines for when we will work and how much, we need our intellect to be stimulated and engaged, and we need to feel spiritually fulfilled and aligned.
If you tip into rigidity about how much you’re working and when, you lose the nurturing piece. The guidelines for that need to be realistic and effective, but kind. If your kid gets sick or you get sick or you just feel completely out of energy, the scheduled needs to be adjusted!
I think we all know someone in our lives who does drop their tasks at the slightest whisper of discomfort and doesn’t follow through.
If you’re Type A, you don’t have that problem. You need to actually stop working and pressuring yourself to work when it’s truly misaligned to be working.
If you’re not Type A, you might need to have some clear timeframes for getting things done and really stick to them - rewarding yourself as needed!
If all we do is nourish ourselves, with no guidelines for completing tasks, we will miss out on valuable momentum.
If any one of those elements is missing - nurture, guidelines, intellectual stimulation, or spiritual fulfillment - it will feel harder to run your business and you won’t see the income levels you want.
Slacker Magic is the path I created for my very own Type A self, who was terrified to slack off in any way. I keep making myself sick; in high school, in college, as a business owner…over and over again.
I had to find a way to work differently and shift to useful guidelines for work, not rigid rules and overwork.
The point of Slacker Magic is that we step back, take care of our bodies, listen to our inner wisdom, and THEN we act. That way, the action steps we take aren’t just meaningless over-efforting. They are actual steps that we’re guided to take that will move us forward.
Just this morning, I was feeling antsy to dig in and take action in my business. I know, however, when I get that itchy, ansty feeling, that it’s false. It’s like the call of addiction. I want to take action to ease my anxiety, not because I’m truly taking useful action.
Instead, I went for a long walk in the trees.
I listened to my inner wisdom.
I refused to buy into the urgency.
I took care of my spirit.
Then I got inspired to write this very missive for you. This, right here, feels like a useful, aligned step for my business.
Once you’ve identified whether or not you’re a total over-efforter, you can then figure out your balanced guidelines for your work.
If you are an over-efforter, you can assume that every single day you have about twice as much, if not more, on your list than you can actually do.
If you’re not an over-efforter and you’re not getting things done, you can assume you likely need some focus time for your work because you’re already nurturing yourself.
Either way, Slacker Magic is super helpful, because it simply reminds you to align with your inner wisdom. The magic part of Slacker Magic is that when you’re taking the time to listen to your inner wisdom and you’re strategically slacking where you don’t need to be working, magic really does happen.
This is when the great ideas flow in, the clients show up out of nowhere, and the synchronicities appear.
Helping you create this kind of alignment is exactly what I do in my group program. We’ll make sure that you learn all of the Slacker Magic concepts so that you can find the sweet spot of how much effort and time you really need to put in for your business to give you the magic and the time freedom - and the relief of truly getting to take care of yourself - while making the money you want to make.
I’ll also take you through my niche clarifying process that will transform your messaging so that it’s super intriguing to your audience. I just heard from a client this morning from this program that someone read her new messaging and signed up for and eight-session package. There is NOTHING as powerful as the combo of spiritual alignment in your business and incredibly clear messaging.
Clear messaging tells your potential clients exactly what problem you solve and the precise outcome your clients will get. For example, right now I’m telling you that you’ll get more free time, more money, and a clear message to share with the world that definitely attracts paying clients.
Of course, I know that outcome is possible because I’m able to repeat it with my clients. We’ll make sure yours is, too, through a fun testing process as we build out your signature program.
All of this will set you up to make the $5-10K plus months you want in your business so it can feel healthy financially and keep right on scaling. That’s the best part of a solid niche and signature program - it’s like the foundation of a skyscraper! You can go as high as you want to go from there.
You can learn more about this program and others here.