My Own Client Helped Me Handle My Kid Screaming in the Car
Aug 27, 2024
The other day, I pulled up to the school. My daughter yanked open the door, flung her backpack across the car, and flopped into her seat, wailing at the top of her lungs. There was a devastating field trip she was going to have to go on the following week. Yelling, she begged to skip school that day.
When I didn’t agree to this plan, she pulled the permission slip out of her backpack and ripped it to shreds.
We drove quietly for a few moments while she contemplated this bold, bold action and I breathed and used my own mind-body tools for feeling strong emotions. 😉
In the end, I just said, “Hey, that doesn’t feel good to me when you rip that up like that.”
We arrived home with no further incidents. A couple of days later, she picked up a new form at school without me even asking.
Normally, this sort of adventure would have involved me agonizing over what to say, how to handle the situation, and hearing a slew of voices in my head about how I should be parenting (some voices say positive parenting, others remind me I don’t have strong enough boundaries, and others admonish me for not trusting myself fully in the moment).
Then, whatever action step I take, I feel guilty and like I should have done it better and she gets even more upset.
I am a rockstar at mom guilt.
So why was this moment different?
Because, just a few hours earlier, one of my clients was testing out her new coaching framework with me while we were working on her business. We used my mom guilt as an example to put through her process.
Honestly, I didn’t think anything of it, since it was just a way to talk through her coaching tool she was creating.
But damn!
That was a powerful freaking coaching process she created!
This client is owning her unique genius and her intuitive coaching skills like a badass. She used to be completely unsure she could have a coaching business at all, and now, after taking my group program, she’s transforming my life in five minutes flat.
My group program will feel like rocket fuel for your heart-centered self. Seriously.
You’ll have all my mind-body healing and somatic processes to help your body feel better and your inner wisdom shine through. You’ll also have my slacker magic tools to help you take all the pressure off of yourself and yet actually get your business in high gear without hustling.
Best of all, you’ll be tuned into your unique gifts, and I’ll help you see how to put them into your coaching framework and attract clients who want that exact support.
You can learn more about this program and others here.