It's Not Too Early to Create Your Signature Program

choosing a niche signature program Jan 03, 2024
woman looking at a calendar while planning a signature program launch

You might think it’s too soon to create a signature program for your business, but it’s actually the fastest way to bring in more income right now and, at the same time, set your business up to scale to higher levels of income without causing you stress or tons of effort.

Here’s why:

Selling 1-1 coaching packages is much harder than selling a program.

Just as an example, last year in April I had two offers available: My $10K (at the time) coach training program and my $797 1-1 coaching package.

You would think that the lower-priced item with the 1-1 support would sell more, right?


The program sold over ten seats in six weeks.

In that time I sold a single 1-1 coaching package.

Let’s dig into this for a moment.

If you have a signature program that is designed to take people through a process that truly solves their dilemma and gets them the outcome they want, it’s really easy for people to know that they need what you have to offer.

Because you’re forced to get really clear on what you’re providing when you present a program to the world, you’re naturally showing people that you can solve their problem. The structure of the program lends itself to clarity and helps people know quickly whether or not the program is right for them.

On the other hand, 1-1 coaching sounds really vague. It’s not clear how you will solve their issue. It’s not clear how you will get them to the outcome they want.

Often, that’s because you’re not clear around how you’ll get them to that outcome, either. You’re not thinking about the outcome when you write up your 1-1 coaching. You’re thinking about what happens in the 1-1 sessions.

Your potential clients don’t care exactly what happens during the sessions - they want to know if they’ll get the result they want.

For example, I was working with a client who creates financial clarity and strategies for her clients. Had she offered 1-1 coaching around this, I wouldn’t have signed up for it.

However, after she created her program with me and finalized her sales page, I told her I wanted to register for her program as soon as it was ready!

Why? Because I know I have to clean up my budgeting and financials, and her sales page told me I will get the outcome I want - feeling on top of my financials without having to do arduous work that feels out of reach.

The clarity her program provides makes me want it right this red-hot second.

That’s the vibe we want to create for your potential clients!

Plus, the sooner you create a program, the sooner you can make more income while working less. Obviously, if you have more people working with you in a group or hybrid 1-1 and group program, you can work with more people and scale your business up without maxing out your energy.

If it feels too scary to make a group program right away, you don’t have to. You can design a program as if it were for a group and then start it out as a 1-1 program. This allows you to have the clarity of messaging that makes people sign up while you ease yourself into filling a group.

Then, when you are ready to make it a group program, it will be an easy adjustment with no extra work needed.

A signature program doesn’t have to be a big, complicated project with tons of modules and content. It can be really simple. It can be easy.

The key is simply the structure it creates for your messaging and your client outcomes. And, if you’re worried about getting those client outcomes, run a beta version of your program. Test it out! Get 2-4 people you know are interested in your work and give them low-cost access.

You’ll learn so much and you’ll get those client testimonials that you need in order to sell more and more seats. You’ll gain confidence that you provide those results!

I made my first signature program about three months into my coaching career and have been scaling up ever since. It’s the best thing you can do for your business.

Helping you to see exactly what your unique genius is that should go inside your program and how to articulate what you help people solve and the outcome they will get is exactly what I do in my one-month 1-1 VIP program. You’ll get all the core language you need in order to express your message in a way that attracts your ideal client (I’ll write it for you) AND you’ll get the structure and clarity you need to build out your signature program.

I’ll help you design the program, create a clear framework within the program to move your clients from problem to solution, and also help you shift into working in a way that doesn’t run your body into the ground. We’ll make sure your program is designed to help you work less, have more fun with your clients, and make more money while enjoying time freedom.

You can learn more about this program and others here.