Why Nurturing Your Email List Isn't Leading to Sales

content creation marketing Oct 01, 2024
close up of woman's eyes

There’s a bit of interesting advice that heart-centered coaches take to heart (naturally 😉 ) that is limiting their client registrations, and that’s to spend lots of time nurturing their audience instead of presenting regular, consistent calls to action to join their program. 

Here’s why: Nurturing doesn’t actually get your clients all that excited to buy your programs or sign up for 1-1 coaching. (Nurturing being defined as writing helpful content that doesn’t mention your offers.)

Nurturing feels good to us heart-centered folk, because we’re naturally compassionate and caring. Sometimes it almost feels wrong to be posting calls to action and actually inviting people to pay us.

And yet, we are in business. 

We are providing a service. 

Maybe it’s because we feel so called to do this work and would do it even if we weren’t paid that it feels sort of strange to charge money for it at first. The reality is, though, that we are business owners and we aren’t in business to nurture people who aren’t paying us. 

I get that you likely want to be of service to some people who can’t afford what you do, and we’ll talk about that in a minute. 

For example, if you walked into a clothing store, would you expect them to give you a bunch of free clothes before you purchased any? Probably not, right?

That’s not a winning business model for the clothing store. They would soon go out of business if they did that. 

This is why many heart-centered coaches aren’t making the level of income they really want to make. They are giving away a LOT of clothes. 

This can be in the form of free coaching, free consults, free tips on social media, and emails and social media content that is designed to serve their audience without really compelling them to purchase. 

As a business owner, you want people to be able to try on the clothes so that they know they’re the right fit, but you don’t want people grabbing them for free. 

And, if you think about it, when are you most excited to buy new clothes? When you first see them, in the store. They are fun, new, and lovely, and maybe, if you have more willpower than I do, you go home and think about them. 

If you go home without buying the clothes, you’re more likely to forget about them. 

(This is what I do with my Amazon cart so as not to overspend - I put things in the cart and let them sit for days. If I forget about them, they’re not important enough to purchase.) 

We do NOT want people to forget about your services and how awesome they are. We want your potential clients to see what you offer and then be compelled to purchase right when they are the most excited about you (which is when they first see your work). 

The key is to make sure that you are using a call to action in your messaging 99% of the time. Be proud that you are running a business! Be proud that what you have to offer is worth the price. 

Be proud to talk about your program or your coaching. You are amazing! Your work is amazing! Everyone has something incredibly unique to bring to their clients. Shout it from the rooftops!

All you have to do is make sure your clients can try on the clothes, so to speak, before they sign up with you. 

This just means clearly articulating the problem you solve for your clients and the outcome you provide so that they can make sure that the outcome you provide is truly right for them. You can write endless content about the myths, concerns, how-to’s, and more about what you solve for them. 

When you approach writing your social media content and emails to your email list with this in mind, you’ll actually naturally end up nurturing anyone in your audience who isn’t quite ready to purchase yet. 

I’ve been approaching my content-writing this way for many years, and the win-win about it is that people get to learn a lot from what I share AND they also get to see exactly what I’m offering. 

I know that when I read about a coach who solves a problem that I have, I want to know exactly what they offer so that I can get the most support possible. If it’s not in the budget, I’ll often save up and enjoy connecting with their work in any way possible in the meantime. 

And, if you want to support people who can’t afford your work yet, you can do a little pro-bono work or offer scholarships. Plus, what you’ll be sharing with your audience will naturally be helpful, so there will be people who get support for free. This is a huge win for them and for your compassionate heart!

Putting together the messaging you need to clearly articulate your niche and helping you design your signature program (or upgrade your current one) so that people are compelled to register is what I do inside my group program. I’ll show you exactly how you can end up with a lifetime’s supply of content for your social media and email list that gets people excited to join your program. That way, your calls-to-action will be strong and compelling. 

You’ll also learn my specific Slacker Magic System designed for heart-centered coaches who need a way to work differently instead of pushing themselves all the time or running themselves into the ground. This system helps you shift into trusting your inner wisdom, manifesting clients, and working with ease and flow so you can have true time freedom and actually feel enlivened by your business instead of worn down. 

We’ll get your business set up to scale up from where you are to your dream income, so if you’re thriving right now but want to make more income and also not work a billion hours, this program will absolutely help you do that. 

You can learn more about this program and others here.