If You're Stuck and Want More Clients, Here's Your Next Step

mind-body biz success wizardry Jun 26, 2023
Woman looking stuck and concerned with a glitchy overlay

One of the hardest things about running your own business is that when you aren’t seeing the client sign-ups you need and want, it’s tricky to see the glitch without external feedback from someone who isn’t on the inside of your business like you are.

It’s the old "seeing the forest for the trees" metaphor.

Every business coach will tell you their theory in their program or course. I don’t think that works.

When we’re feeling stuck, not sure what action step to take next, spinning in circles, or a little freaked out, we need eyes on our business that aren’t in our own head.

The glitch could be so many different things:

  1. A messaging error that leaves your potential clients a little confused or even tells them NOT to hire you. (This is something we do accidentally when we’re writing content and it’s hard to spot!)
  2. An energetic block that’s subconscious and preventing you from seeing or taking the next step.
  3. A slight misalignment in your niche (for example, maybe you didn’t realize one key element your perfect client profile should include) that throws off your messaging or your energy. (It can feel heavy to work with the wrong people.)
  4. Fear, disguised as the urgent need to do a LOT of things without clarity around which things are really effective.

And more!

Once you find the glitch, then the next step is to take the right aligned action for YOU, right now. Not an action prescribed in someone’s business course.

The right action will open up the stuck energy and you’ll feel inspired again!

Once you’re inspired again, your manifesting will be on point and you’ll return to the flow.

In my Heart Centered Coach Accelerator, I use the Celtic Seer, my intuitive gift for seeing the money-making path for you, to help you untangle the glitch and get you moving again, back in the flow, and heading toward those client sign-ups.

You can learn more about this program and others here.