The Sneaky Trap the Catches Intuitive, Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs

inner wisdom mind-body biz success wizardry Jul 23, 2024
traffic jam at night

There is such a sneaky trap that I see intuitive, heart-centered entrepreneurs and coaches fall into, and I want to help you avoid it.

Here’s what I see happening. A coach takes time to get still and listen. And BAM! She gets an intuitive hit about a creative project. She’s all lit up, and it feels awesome.

Maybe she realizes she’s going to write and publish a book, or make an online course, or apply for a TEDx talk. There’s a lot of energy and enthusiasm, so she charges forward.

But then, a few days or weeks in, she realizes that this new project … is actually taking her farther AWAY from her business goals. It’s jamming up the works, creating all kinds of confusion.

What the heck? What went wrong?
She got an intuitive hit, and followed the guidance! So why did it backfire?

This experience is really discouraging. I know, because I’ve been there. In moments like these, it’s easy to start doubting yourself and your intuition.

But don’t do that! Here’s what you do instead. Here’s how you work with inner wisdom AND grow your business at the same time.

When you get the exciting inner wisdom download, you take pause. You take a moment. And then you ask a very powerful question …

Is this the FIRST thing that needs to happen in my business?
(And if not: What IS the first thing that needs to happen?)

Listen closely for the answer. You may discover that while your creative project idea IS an intuitive hit, it requires prerequisite actions.

For example, maybe before you write that nonfiction book, your wisdom tells you to build your email list, so you have a platform to pitch to publishers. Or maybe before you stand on a major event stage or lead an international retreat, you lay the groundwork with other stages and regional retreats.

It’s really common for intuitive types like us to get glimpses of our futures, and that’s fantastic. And, here’s an extremely valuable lesson I’ve learned in twenty years as a coach: Just because I want to do it, it doesn't mean it's the first thing.

When I shared that with my coaching clients in the Mind Body and Business Magic group program recently, I could FEEL the light bulbs going on over people’s heads.

I mean, how many times have we gone off course because we didn’t take a moment to ask WHEN? How many times have we rushed into action, without actually prioritizing our efforts?

Look, one of my favorite qualities in an entrepreneur is initiative. Initiative is such an asset! And, if we’re really going to run our businesses without hustle, grind, and burnout, it’s imperative that we ask inner wisdom: What's the truth bomb you have for me today?

Inner wisdom just LOVES to drop those truth bombs! If you’re tapped into inner wisdom consistently, you’ll notice how frequently she tells you things you don’t want to hear. She helps you face the truth, however uncomfortable that truth may be. She wants your highest good, always.

Knowing inner wisdom this way also helps to answer a question I get all the time. When I introduce the Slacker Magic System, skeptics always ask, “Well, how would I EVER get [my taxes, my laundry, my sales emails, etc] done?”

To which I can only say: Because of the truth bomb! Inner wisdom will tell you to get done what needs to get done. She’s very reliable that way.

That said, I also want to address an important flip-side issue with heart-centered coaches. On one hand, we have people charging in on creative projects when it’s not really the right time. On the other hand, we also have people who have trouble getting into motion at all.

If that’s your issue, here’s where you start. First, let’s nerd out for a minute about physics; specifically, Newton’s first law: “Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.”

This is commonly called the law of inertia, and here’s how it translates with entrepreneurs. When you're just starting a project, or you've just taken a break or been in a rest cycle, you probably will not FEEL like getting into motion again. It happens to all of us, and there’s no getting around it.

It’s so liberating when you realize: Inertia doesn’t mean anything about you, personally. It’s not guidance, it’s just physics.

Tell yourself, “Of COURSE there’s inertia!” But don’t let it stop you. If you’re moving in a direction that’s aligned, you’ll find a part of you IS ready to roll. So focus on that.

Next, if you have trouble getting into action, don’t get caught up in super long lists and complicated calendars. Instead, just pick ONE task and get yourself in motion! It doesn’t have to be the highest priority, necessarily; it just needs to get you going. Momentum matters.

That said, if you’re ready to make hugely positive changes in your life and business, here’s what I recommend: Each day, pick the single task that’s the most daunting for you. Then, do that task first thing. There are huge physiological and psychological benefits to just getting the most difficult thing done right away.

Are you ready to get the important things done, tune into your inner wisdom, and get the guidance you need to build your magically abundant business?

Are you passionate about mind-body connection work, spiritual and energetic alignment, manifesting, healing, and coaching in your calling?

If so: We could be a great fit to work together.

I use a blend of mind-body coaching, energy work, practical coaching, manifesting techniques (all of those are my own systems and methods), and my intuitive Celtic Seer vision to help you in your business.

You can learn more about this program and others here.