Worried About What Your Family & Friends Think When You Post Content?
Apr 02, 2024
I see so many talented, heart-centered entrepreneurs feeling stuck in their business, not posting content online because they’re worried about what their family or friends might think.
It feels so deeply uncomfortable to put themselves out there online. Just the thought of posting about their coaching program makes them feel squirmy.
So they’re shying away from emailing their lists or posting to social media … or if they are posting, they’re playing it so safe. The content isn’t compelling, because they’re not writing from the heart.
And then they’re getting frustrated that they’re not getting the results they want in their businesses, not seeing the money flowing in the door. They’re losing out on manifesting the magical, abundant business of their dreams.
And I get it! I’ve been there. Having people who used to know me back in the day, seeing me doing something new, used to feel hard for me too. One time my ex-mother-in-law actually got mad at me for posting something about my business before I told her about it. (I deeply wish I was kidding.)
The thing is, you do NOT have to stay stuck here. Let me share with you the secret to getting past that fear.
First and foremost, you need to clarify something within yourself …
The boundary is you.
Meaning, you get to decide what you allow in. You get to choose whether you want a given group of people to see your posts at all. You have the right to choose to not share certain things with certain people.
It’s totally up to you. You get to decide. What do YOU want to allow in, or not?
Once you grasp that you’re free to do what you need to do, a whole bunch of practical strategies open up for you. For example, you can adjust your Facebook privacy settings globally, and for each individual post as well. You can delete family member’s addresses from your email list. If you want to get more advanced, you can even block certain IP addresses from your website.
And if you’re worrying about how your family members will respond when they hear about your new business – if you’re already bracing yourself for unsolicited advice and concern – you can decide in advance that you’re not going to take on any of the unsolicited feedback that you might receive. You’re just going to let it go entirely, like water off a duck’s back.
The point is, you do not waste your valuable time and energy focusing on what you don’t want.
Instead, you devote yourself to the people you do want to see your content. Focus on the people who want to come do your program. Focus on the people who need exactly what you have to offer, who are THRILLED to connect with you. Imagine them, imagine how happy they’ll be to meet you!
And, you don’t have to dive in and start selling right away. If you’re feeling nervous about posting online at all, that’s OK! In that case, your job is to get yourself comfortable talking about your niche online. Practice posting regularly, and engaging with people who respond to your posts.
The point is, it’s not your job to make sure everyone you know approves of your coaching business. Rather, your job is to visualize that your new life is already happening, and then to take the steps you need to take in order to live in that new life. Your job is to build your signature program, to serve your clients well, to empower and support them.
If you know it’s time for you to get your work out there online and manifest abundance in your business, come join my group program! I’ll truly be working with you to create the upleveling and growth you want.
Of course your family members might not understand! That’s pretty much what always happens to trailblazers. You're paving the way.
And when you work with me, you’re fully supported every step of the way. I even go so far as to write your core message for you, so you are super-clear on exactly who you serve and what your unique magic is as a coach!
You can learn more about this program and others here.