Transition Time! (And find a pain relief coach here!)

relieve your pain & stress Feb 06, 2019
Transition Time! (And find a pain relief coach here!)

For the past ten years, I have worked with women and men struggling with pelvic pain. They wanted to apply mind-body healing tools to create health, and I’ve coached hundreds of people through that process. However, I also created a Mind-Body Magic Coach Training to train coaches so they, too, could help people through the healing process. So many people are looking for support in their healing journey. Finally, I have a large team of coaches to help them.

I want to introduce you to all the incredible mind-body coaches you can access for your healing journey, be it pelvic or otherwise.

Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list. They can help with pelvic pain, TMS, mind-body syndrome, and general well-being.

As a coach, teacher, and creative entrepreneur, my heart is calling me to shift away from the physical healing work I’ve done for so many years. Behind each healing story is the life transformation that helped it happen. When our lives aren’t aligned with our true wants, needs, and loves, our bodies begin to reflect that. I’m deeply passionate about helping people re-align mind, body, and spirit to live in a way that feels delicious and delightful.

From here on out, my work will focus on this bigger picture; how to transform how you live to create more energy and magic in your life. I want to help others release self-pressure and perfectionism and embrace magic and deliciousness in their lives.

For many years, I’ve had a somewhat odd approach to my own life. It was born from dealing with my own health struggles because I really had to learn how to hear my inner wisdom, trust it, and follow it. I had to learn how to stop pressuring myself to death and start magicking myself to health and spiritual well-being. This is what lights me up the most because while physical healing is fabulous, whole-being transformation and freedom are spectacular.

My approach to life is something I call Slacker Magic.

It’s about absolutely trusting the guidance my inner wisdom shares, knowing how to listen to it, and only doing what is aligned and feels inspired by that wisdom. When life feels overwhelming or hard, there’s always a way to slackerize it. Taking the pressure off, creating with delight, and following inner wisdom is something I cannot wait to teach in everything I do from here on out!

I plan to train mind-body magic coaches in the Mind-Body Magic Coach Training, teach courses, and create a whole lot of great resources for you around Slacker Magic, hearing and trusting inner wisdom, and so much more.

Since I’ll no longer be offering any kind of pain relief coaching or support, I wanted to give you a comprehensive list of compassionate, kind, and effective coaches I’ve trained who specialize in that arena. They offer 1-1 coaching, groups, and courses. Here you go!

Find a health or pain relief coach below!

Jeana Bird




Corrie Michelle



Elena Tione



Rebecca Hampton



Laura Bozarth



Meryl Feldman



Lorraine Faehndrich



Brooke Webster

[email protected]/503.702.7424



Melanie Nevis



CrisMarie Campbell



Diane Hunter



Elaine Jeffy