What Your Body is Really Telling You About Your Business
Jun 18, 2024
What if you have all the passion for your business and you’re scaling up as we speak, but DANG it’s exhausting and your body is taking the hit. Mind-body healing tools can radically change this experience for the better AND bring you more cash. 😉
It seems like everyone is talking about nervous systems these days, and that’s exciting because we used to pretty much ignore them in our culture. Becoming aware of your body and how it’s responding to your business is a huge key to successfully ramping up to new income levels.
Your body is like your secret ally; she’ll tell you when you’re not on the true path.
The tricky part, though, is that most of us look at the information from our bodies in a very black-and-white way: comfort versus discomfort. Yet, that’s not always very helpful.
For example, let’s say, theoretically, I had to set some serious boundaries with a person in my life. 😂 If I were to check in with my body while communicating said boundaries, I’d report back that I felt VERY uncomfortable, and also sweaty. 😆
It would be easy to imagine I’m on the wrong track because of the sweaty, nauseous feeling in my body.
Except, if I really tune in and pay deep attention with a very focused awareness, I also feel a very low hum of calm underneath. This is my nervous system quietly saying “yessssssss” even as I feel like throwing up.
Old conditioning tells me that communicating boundaries is wrong and I will get in deep trouble for doing so.
The radical discomfort in my body tells me that I am breaking that conditioning right now. I’m in the midst of it. I haven’t yet arrived at the place where communicating boundaries feels easy and good.
The low hum underneath tells me that I am indeed aligned with my highest path.
This scenario is going to happen in your business A LOT as you scale up. I’ve recently been scaling above consistent $25K months, and it’s nausea city over here.
As we scale, we run into our old wounds. Our old patterns. Things we learned to do that no longer serve us.
One of those, my friend, is ignoring your body so that you can get shit done.
I love you, but I have bad news. This isn’t going to work if you scale up past $5K months. You will break.
Your body needs love, care, and attention if it’s going to hold the energy of your mission. Your spirit needs love, care, and attention if it’s going to hold the energy of your mission.
This summer, I’ve been scaling intensely, and the more I stretch in my business, the more my body needs to move. I started walking a mile a day last year, and then when this scaling business got more sweaty, I started walking more each day.
The more I walked, the better I felt. I found new trees. I met frogs. I petted dogs.
When anxiety hit, I walked more.
Now I’m walking four miles a day, and on those walks, my guides and inner wisdom flow allllll the ideas to me. I didn’t realize I needed to scale up my walks to scale up my vision to scale up my business.
Honestly, I was pretty uncomfortable walking these distances. My body had to adjust. It wasn’t a totally clear thing. But, underneath, I felt that hum of “yessssss.”
The walks are for my body, my mind, my emotions, and my spirit. Sometimes I angry-walk, muttering under my breath and flowing big rage out of my body. This is incredibly healing for my nervous system. Other times I just move quietly, listening to all the downloads. Sometimes I just walk in pure joy, letting my spirit roam in the trees.
You can get to the subtle awareness you need for your nervous system, body, and spirit through your emotions. Don’t shy away from them. Allow them. Embrace them. You don’t have to share them with anyone - just feel them. They’re your private jewels that are just waiting to fund your biggest dreams.
The more you feel your emotions, the clearer you get on what you what, how you want it to look, why you want it, and what feels right to you.
This clarity is what leads to massive manifesting.
So, if you’re scaling up right now, in whatever capacity, set aside real time for yourself to find out what your body, mind, and spirit need in order to support this dream. You’ll need a few hours a week to step back, take stock, and feel. Then inner wisdom will guide you to the “yessssssss.”
In my group program, I’ll give you every single nervous system tool you need to take deep care of your body so that you can release the impact of stress on your physical body and shift out of anxiety and into inner wisdom. If you’ve been feeling less than great physically, this will help you find your well-being again so that you can hold the energy for your business at this new level.
I’ll also give you my exact method for feeling emotions in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming or scary. This will make it simpler to navigate the big feelings you might have as you step into these bigger dreams. Your triggers will not seem as tricky and you’ll feel supported as you take your next steps - by me and by the community of lovely humans in my program.
On the business front, I’ll help you dial in your messaging so that you can scale faster and make sure you have a signature program that feels doable and really works for you and your income dreams. We’ll take a look at the entire ecosystem of your business and yourself so that what you create on this new level is set to support you as you grow.
You can learn more about this program and others here.