If Finding Your Niche is Stressful, Do This Instead
Feb 27, 2024
If you’re tired of the word niche and you don’t want to think about niches because they feel overwhelming and confusing, even if you’re years into your coaching business, I get you. The good news is, that all you really need to make a ton of money as a coach is a core message.
A core message is really relaxing because you don’t have to narrow down your work to just a single type of human. If you’ve ever gotten that advice (write to one person, one avatar), and felt very confused, you’ll love having a core message.
Sometimes, the work we do as coaches really does cross a lot of lines and work for lots of different people. That’s why a niche can feel confining or confusing.
You really can help lots of different people in different walks of life, and you don’t want to get too narrow because of this.
A core message solves this problem.
To find your core message, you’ll want to take a cross-section of all the people you loved working with and look at what the common themes are. Why are they showing up to work with you?
I was working with a client who works as a trauma therapist, and obviously people were coming to her for help healing trauma. But, when we dug deeper, we noticed that most of them were talking about problems they were having in their relationships with their kids or their partners.
This helped us to discover the core problem that her clients had, which was that they were experiencing relationships that felt off to them in various ways because they had old patterns from their childhood hanging around in their heads.
Your core problem is the key to your core message.
Once you know that, you can discover your core solution. In this example, we found that the core solution was healing old childhood wounds to release the unhelpful relational patterns so that people could have fulfilling relationships with themselves, first, and then their kids and partners.
Boom! Now we had a core message.
Now, you can totally add demographics to your core message, if you want. Maybe you truly only want to work with women after divorce, for example. Whatever details you know about your demographics can be a part of this message without tying you down too far into a single avatar that feels limiting.
The best part of having a core message is it’s really the only thing your potential clients want to know. They want to know if you can help them, and your core message tells them that very quickly.
Do you need to post it in your bio on social media? Do you need to have a fancy short title for what you do?
Just start putting content out about your core message and people will be excited to work with you. Eventually, after refining that core message, you’ll know what you want to put in your social media bio.
One issue I notice with my clients is that they are often resistant to really peel the layers to find the core problem for their core message. Sometimes, I actually have to just sit and let it be and start with the top-level core problem for a few weeks. Sometimes it’s a little scary to refine that problem, so take your time peeling those layers.
And, of course, if you want help seeing the core problem, core solution, and core message for your business, I will bring my intuitive Celtic Seer eyes to the issue and do it for you in my group program! Whether you’re working to scale up or working on consistent $5-10K months, this is the key to consistent revenue flowing into your business. The core message will solve all of your marketing confusion and help you create content that attracts your ideal clients.
I often see my clients get clients in their business right after we get this core message figured out because they have created incredibly powerful energetic alignment. This seems like magic, because they haven’t even taken any real action steps yet. This is the power of energetic alignment.
Speaking of which, I’ll give you all of my energetic alignment tools in my program so that you’ll be poised to manifest like wild as you put your core message out there. We’ll also develop your signature program (or upgrade it) around your core message. And, I’ll help you learn how to help your nervous system regulate as a business owner so that you can spend more time in creative mode and less time in panic mode. With my somatic, mind-body tools, your body will release any chronic tension or pain and you’ll be able to improve your well-being while taking huge strides in your business.
You can learn more about this program and others here.