Your Unique Way of Processing the World and How it Impacts Your Business

increase your creativity mind-body biz success wizardry Oct 22, 2024
children's bedroom with pink bedding

One time, my daughter and I cleaned her room and there was a MOUSE LIVING IN THERE.

She had a pile of cinnamon sugar on her floor from a pretzel and some unidentifiable fossilized snacks. That mouse was living large.

I only found the cinnamon sugar mound from hell after excavating piles of dirty clothes, a moldy craft project, and what seemed like millions of wrappers. I’m actually leaving out the grossest thing I found just to save you from vomiting right now. 🤢

Here’s the deal, though. My kiddo has a unique way of processing the world, which I found out when I took her to the OT as a little girl.

She doesn’t think sequentially and in fact gets stressed out by sequence. And, putting her room in order makes her brain work in a way that requires sequential thinking and linear organizing, which stresses her out.

That’s why I decided to get creative so we can keep the mice out while respecting how her mind works.

I got a small branch from outside, some jewelry wire, and some gorgeous beads. Then we crafted a little 3D bead system where 6 wires hang down from the branch and we can add a bead to the bottom every time we complete a room pick-up, bathroom pick-up, etc.

Once each wire is full of beads, we’ll end up with a cool piece of art for her wall AND we’ll go celebrate.

I stole this idea from one of her teachers, who created this for a writing project. I knew that it worked for my girl’s brain, so why not capitalize on that?!

We spent the whole week after that keeping her room picked up and adding beads. She LOVED it!

And, here’s the thing - lots of my clients process information in non-linear ways, too. It comes with the territory in a creative entrepreneur world.

That’s why I actually brought my daughter’s OT into my program to teach my clients about all the different ways their brain might be processing information so they could identify their unique style (this is called a Brain Dominance Profile).

Once you know your unique style of processing information, your world and your business life get a hell of a lot easier. Anything that felt sticky and confusing now has a totally new solution that makes it feel fun and easy.

When you’re stressed out, your Brain Dominance Profile takes over and you can only process information in certain ways. This can lead to a lot of relationship confusion and business stress.

On the other hand, if you know your profile, you can predict what you’ll do under stress and set up a plan to prevent the usual issues from cropping up (AKA procrastination, overwork, etc.)

Then you can be back on track to attracting clients and abundance in no time! I just helped someone get out of to-do list overwhelm in her business this week by having her ditch the list and create a totally new way of processing tasks that actually works for her Brain Dominance Profile.

This, my friend, is why we cannot just take business programs and expect to have all the great results from doing business practices WITHOUT looking at our whole mind-body system as well!

Most heart-centered folk just end up getting really overwhelmed by business programs and then feeling bad that they didn't get the expected results.

My group program solves this problem by actually including mind-body practices that help with the diverse ways we experience the world so that we can know ourselves more deeply, treat ourselves with more kindness, and experience WAY more flow and magic (instead of self-pressure and self-judgment).

(Also I’m pretty sure we could get rid of any mice in your business, if that’s also a concern. 😂)

You can learn more about this program here.