
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

Top 5 Reasons for Being in Touch With Your Emotions

Sep 05, 2012

by Anu Gupta

A friend (who knows I’m excited by emotions) recently sent me this story.

Overheard at a Washington DC metro station, as a man came up the stairs and read the delayed trains screen.


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Overeating and the Pregnant Revelations

Apr 11, 2012

For what seems like my entire life, I have struggled with overeating and not liking my body. That can’t actually be true, since I remember being five years old and definitely not caring about things like that, but by age ten, I’d definitely decided my body wasn’t attractive.


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What is Your Soul Song?

Mar 14, 2012

Every little piece of every little part of you

Your daily expression of your soul song is based on your overall soul song – that fascinating collection of unique and individual elements that make up who you are. Your soul song is not just your personality or the way you think –...

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3 Simple Steps to Calm Your Inner Perfectionist

May 25, 2011

It’s a trait I’ve had from birth

Just about once or twice a day, my tendency toward perfectionism rears its head. It’s a trait I’ve had from birth, according to my mother. I’ve become well-acquainted both with its usefulness and how it often gets in my way.

When I...

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Dealing with Loss and Change

May 04, 2011

I just took a class on loss and change

In the Great School of Life, I just took a class on loss and change. No teacher is quite like life experience. I learned much from my recent journey through the grieving process, and I thought you might benefit from a few mind-body techniques and concepts...

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Allowing Anger

Feb 09, 2011

Anger gets a bad rap.

For centuries, it was “unladylike” to feel it or express it. Then, it was all the rage (pun intended) to “express it” outwardly to those around you. In my opinion, there’s a happy medium between stuffing anger (holding inside your body) and...

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The Belly Project

Jan 19, 2011

Okay, ladies.  It’s time to stop sucking in your stomach.

Take a quick survey.  Are you sucking it in right now?

If so, here’s the big question:  WHY?  (Really, is anyone looking at your stomach in this very moment?)

A few weeks ago, I realized I had inadvertently...

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Self Discovery and Healing

Oct 27, 2010

Starting the self-discovery journey

Most of us start the self-discovery journey that is mind-body healing because we’re in pain.  Maybe we’re struggling with vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, or pelvic floor dysfunction.  Maybe we have chronic back...

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It’s Okay to Not Be Okay – The Power of Being Real

Aug 31, 2010

Coached By a Brilliant Coach

I got coached last weekend by a brilliant coach.  (Master Coach Bev Barnes.)  It’s funny – I forget how amazing coaching is sometimes, and then am reminded when I experience it.  There is nothing like it, really, because it’s a...

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Act on Your Values, Not Your Thoughts

Aug 04, 2010

This week’s blog post is a guest post by Ann Burrish, one of Abigail’s Mind-Body Coach trainees.        


Focus on Action

We mind/body folks know what slippery characters our thoughts can be. If we repeatedly experience the same...

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