
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

My Own Client Helped Me Handle My Kid Screaming in the Car

Aug 27, 2024

The other day, I pulled up to the school. My daughter yanked open the door, flung her backpack across the car, and flopped into her seat, wailing at the top of her lungs. There was a devastating field trip she was going to have to go on the following week. Yelling, she begged to skip school that...

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Don't Worry About "Getting it Right" With Coaching Clients

Jun 25, 2024

Coaches are sometimes really worried about getting their coaching tools “right” with a client, and here’s why that doesn’t actually matter and you can totally relax when you’re coaching.

The only tool you really need in order to be a kick-ass coach is your natural...

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Emotions are the Key to Healing and Manifesting (how to overcome the bias against feeling them!)

May 21, 2024

Let’s talk about feeling emotions and why this is the #1 mind-body practice you need for yourself and your clients if you want to create physical and emotional well-being, connection to inner wisdom, and powerful manifesting. 

I completely disagree with many self-help practices around...

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Get to the Root of Your Clients' Challenges to Create Lasting Change

May 07, 2024

If you're intuitively wanting to take your clients deeper through their challenges to get to the root of the issues, but feel like you don't have a structure for how to do that... on! I'm going to share mine with you.

Using the mind-body connection to get to the root of issues is the...

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Was Something Missing from Your Last Coach Training?

Mar 26, 2024

If you took a coach training or therapy program that left you feeling like something was missing, it was likely missing mind-body attunement techniques.

Most coaching and therapy techniques are what we call “top down techniques,” which means that they focus on the conscious mind and...

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It Isn't Easy Having a Sensitive Body (and Here's What Society Doesn't Get)

Nov 28, 2023

I was just talking to another person this week about the correlation between Shaman Sickness (also called TMS) and the call to be a coach, healer, or lightworker, and it really struck me how little our culture supports humans in this predicament. The main question is, how do we fulfill our...

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The Embarrassing Doctor Visit that Led me to Mind-Body Healing

Jul 17, 2023

I once had to see a urologist for a pelvic issue, and when the nurse left me in the exam room, she handed me a little napkin-type cover-up.

I’m used to those from the gynecologist’s office, so I promptly undressed and got on the table. Then I spread the napkin out to cover up my lower...

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What You Were Taught About Emotions isn't Helping (What to Do Instead)

Jul 10, 2023

Ever feel like almost every message you’ve ever gotten about how to handle emotions doesn’t help much?

You’re not wrong. 

The body and the mind must work together when it comes to feeling emotions or feeling emotions turns into a slog.

Not taking the mind-body connection...

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You Can Find Success, Even with a Chronic Illness

Jun 05, 2023

I read two horrifying social media posts recently and I just can’t ignore them. One post said that if you’re spending time watching sports and Netflix, that’s the reason you’re not rich. The other said that telling new coaches they can have a business without hustling...

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I Felt Shamed, and This is Why We Coach With Care

Mar 06, 2023

If you want to work with clients using mind-body connection tools around healing and accessing inner wisdom, you do need a solid understanding of how the nervous system functions. However, even more important than using any specific coaching tools, is the ability to attune to your client.


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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

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