
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

Are You Marketing to the Wrong Person?

Aug 06, 2024

I had a conversation with my chiropractor recently that reminded me yet again of how important it is to know the right details about our ideal clients in order to make specific income goals possible.

He was telling me that he’s frustrated that his marketing isn’t bringing in the...

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Adding New Programs and Classes is Fun, but Could Limit Your Income

Jul 09, 2024

Oopsy, here’s something heart-centered coaches do that severely limits their income and why focusing on creating content to share your work in the world solves this problem.

Often, heart-centered coaches (me included) are really creative and love hanging out in the creative process, coming...

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When Traditional Marketing Doesn't Feel Aligned, What Do You Do?

May 01, 2024

For a lot of heart-centered coaches, it feels like a slog to try to get to $5K or more months (consistently) because we just aren’t up for doing the things that traditional marketing and business coaches tell us to do.

This pretty much sucks, because we’re called to coach, we love it,...

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Your Opt-In or Lead Magnet Isn't Working... Here's Why

Apr 16, 2024

An opt-in offer is not necessary for you to create a program and make the first $2,000 or more in sales from it.

Not only is it not necessary, but it could also bring you the wrong people - who wouldn’t even be interested in the kind of support that you’re selling.

One time I created...

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Worried About What Your Family & Friends Think When You Post Content?

Apr 02, 2024

I see so many talented, heart-centered entrepreneurs feeling stuck in their business, not posting content online because they’re worried about what their family or friends might think.

It feels so deeply uncomfortable to put themselves out there online. Just the thought of posting about...

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How to Make Money Using Social Media Without Feeling Gross

Mar 19, 2024

Sometimes heart-centered coaches are not fans of social media, and I get it, but here’s how you can use social media to improve your money flow without feeling overwhelmed or slimed with dark energy.

Let’s face it; social media is a powerful marketing tool. It’s actually pretty...

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If Finding Your Niche is Stressful, Do This Instead

Feb 27, 2024

If you’re tired of the word niche and you don’t want to think about niches because they feel overwhelming and confusing, even if you’re years into your coaching business, I get you. The good news is, that all you really need to make a ton of money as a coach is a core message.


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How to Articulate What You Do So You Get Registrations

Feb 20, 2024

So you have the general concept for your niche, but you can’t quite get the words figured out that really articulate it so that people sign up on a regular basis and your income moves to the next level. To fix this problem, you’ll need to get ridiculously clear on the problem you...

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Make Marketing Feel Fun and Easy Instead of Icky

Jan 23, 2024

Sometimes heart-centered coaches tell me that they hate marketing because it’s not the fun part of having their own business - coaching is the fun part. However, there’s a way you can shift your marketing into an activity that feels exciting and fun, too, and actually serves you and...

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How to Attract a High-Quality Audience to Purchase Your Program

Dec 19, 2023

If you want to attract a high-quality audience of followers - a large enough email list and social following of people who actually want to purchase a program from you - you can’t just use any old system from a traditional business coach, no matter how much hype there is around it.

You need...

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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

Make $5K plus months as a coach without sacrificing your health, joy, or spiritual well-being to get there. 

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